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About Horus ML

Horus ML was created in 2022 in response to the need of companies specialized in the implementation of solutions based on artificial intelligence and machine learning in the healthcare sector.

Although the potential of these techniques to improve the clinical-care environment has been widely studied, in Horus ML we detected that its real application in clinical practice was still very limited. That is why we tried to identify the main factors that lead to this phenomenon and define a series of company values that allow us to overcome them.

Problems vs Solutions


Lack of knowledge of the healthcare environment on the part of technology providers.


Incorporation of clinical profiles and people with extensive experience in healthcare projects.


Lack of profiles specialized in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.


We have expert profiles in these areas, including a PhD and a PhD student in Machine Learning.


The classic philosophy based on independent product development, or marketplace, does not fit the healthcare environment.


Collaborative project-based approach, seeking to create a customized product for each clinical institution and integrated into its HIS.


Lack of interest in less profitable projects, which often implies focusing on the optimization of healthcare management, ignoring broad areas of the clinical-care field.


We are not a non-profit society but we were born with a strong vocational component of helping to improve healthcare, which allows us to have other objectives beyond profitability.

Horus ML Team

team member

Jesus Prada

team member

Yvonne Gala

Project Manager
team member

Miguel Bravo

Deep Learning Expert
team member

Carolina Espejo

Health Expert
team member

Guillem Batiste

Physician and Mathematician


Although the exact configuration of the steps to be followed in our projects will always depend on the needs of the client institution, a standard Horus ML project involves the following phases:

Initial analysis and discussion with the client institution.

In this phase there will be several initial conversations with the healthcare institution to understand and properly define their needs and the scope of the project, and a preliminary analysis of the relevant databases available to carry out the project will be carried out. This phase will be completely free of charge.

2. Project definition

It consists of a rigorous definition of the objective and scope of the product to be created, the project timeline and the final budget, including personnel and server costs, in the case of not using internal resources of the client institution. This phase will also be totally free of charge.

3. Product development

In this phase Horus ML will carry out all the necessary actions for the training of the Machine Learning models needed to achieve the objectives defined in the project, using the free software programming languages Python and R, the two major references in this technological field.

Periodic meetings will be held with the client institution to report on the progress made, present intermediate results, and receive feedback from their medical team to improve and adapt the final product to their needs.

4. Presentation and delivery of the final product

Horus ML will present to the client institution the final product developed, together with all the technical manuals and training documents necessary for its correct use by the client institution. This phase will end with the final approval by the client institution of the developed product.

5. Integration in the HIS

If deemed necessary by the client institution, which is often the case, the final product developed will be integrated within the Hospital Information Systems of the same, allowing its use integrated into the usual flow of the clinical team, thus facilitating the actual use of the product's functionalities in clinical practice.

6. Maintenance

In addition to the development of the product, and although the customer institution's team will be provided with all the documentation and user manuals necessary to allow independent use of the developed functionality by the customer institution, it will be possible to contract a product maintenance by Horus ML experts. The first year of maintenance will always be included free of charge.

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